The idea for this album came up back in 2022, while the three artists – each working in a special multimedia way – were producing a 20-minute track in this line-up for a (soon to be released) album in the r. i. e. series on the attenuation circuit label from Augsburg in Germany. Despite the physical distance, the work worked perfectly and so they wanted to continue.
The present recordings are the result of many different intermediate mixes with many different focal points, which the respective musicians applied and which were finally put together by Anja Kreysing to create the intense and atmospherically dense sound experience that is now offered to the listener.
HC June 2024
released June 21, 2024
Anja Kreysing – Accordion, Guitar, Electronics, Mastering
Philippe neau – Soundscapes, Artwork + Design
Hans Castrup – Piano, Electronics
25.6.2024: thanks for having us in this fantastic Plank Tone-Show by black_ops!
Thoughts of hollow lands @ 35:20 – 37:26 min.: