
Anja Kreysing, master of fine arts, sound- and media arts / experimental film, studied with Lutz Mommartz (German fluxus experimental filmer), additional studies with Nan Hoover, Christina Kubisch. Accordionist, improviser (workshops with Malcolm Goldstein et al, certified Deep listening practitioner after Pauline Oliveros). Primarely work with Live Soundtracks for (silent-)film, video, performance, theater…) and for her own videoart / experimental films with accordion / electronics. Curator of „schwarz-weiss ist die bessere farbe“, label for (silent-)film concerts and a/v performances with Helmut Buntjer.


  • 19.-21.9.2024 Visualia Festival of Light, Komposition / Konzert für Hartung & Trenz, Pula, Kroatien
  • 22.9.2024 stream & chat – video „noisy landscapes“ at mopomoso TV
  • 23.8.2024 Duo Ulrike Lentz & Anja Kreysing @ Lange Nacht, Berkelkraftwerk, Vreden
  • 4.7.2024 Hörstück für die Verleihung des Karl-Zurhorn Preises, LWL-Museum Zeche Zollern, Dortmund
  • 3.7.2024 Performance mit Achim Zepezauer, Zeche Hannover, Bochum
  • 30.6.2024 Finissage Kunst macht Wind, this honourable fish mit Tobias Kunze (spoken word) und Vicky Allin (Bass), Schloss Senden, Senden
  • 15./16.6.2024 Kunst macht Wind, this honourable fish & Florian Betz (Pantamarimba) und Tobias Kunze (Slampoet), Schloss Senden, Senden


Please scroll down for a selection of recent works.
More audiofiles, videos and photos under the appropriate categories.

Ort ohne Absicht, full performance, Laurenz Theinert visual piano / Anja Kreysing livesoundtrack
Ort ohne Absicht – Trailer (2:39 min) Diözesanmuseum Rottenburg, Laurenz Theinert visual piano / Anja Kreysing livesoundtrack